


Disulfide bonds are essential for maintaining the structural integrity, stability and biological activity of many therapeutic proteins and are therefore classified as a critical quality attribute. Identification and monitoring of expected disulfide linkages and their scrambled counterparts are key to ensuring efficacy and safety in the development of protein-based therapeutics. While spectroscopic and electrophoretic methods are available, mass spectrometry (MS)-based analysis has emerged as the predominant analytical technique.

Providing high sensitivity and detailed information at the molecular level, MS enables thorough and confident characterization of a product’s expected and scrambled disulfide linkages, but also presents several challenges such as:

  • Complex data requiring extensive manual interpretation by expert users.
  • A combinatorial explosion of possible candidates leading to long, indefinite data processing times.
  • An extensive search space further complicated by cysteine-related linkages besides disulfides, including thioethers and trisulfide impurities.

In this webinar, learn how Genedata Expressionist offers a cutting-edge software solution designed to overcome these challenges, significantly accelerating and streamlining the in-depth characterization of disulphide linkages.

Speaker: Stephen Kok, Scientific Consultant – Genedata Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA


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