

AbbVie社は、Genedata Biologics®を活用し、ハイスループットかつバイスペシフィックなバイオ医薬品の創薬とエンジニアリング業務全体のデジタル化と効率化を実現しています。本動画では、バイオデータの一元化、ハイスループットでのバイオ分子デザイン・生産などについて紹介しています。

AbbVie has fully digitalized processes and streamlined operations in their high-throughput multi-specific biologics discovery and engineering workflows using Genedata Biologics. By eliminating error-prone manual molecule design processes and storing all discovery information in a central database, AbbVie has increased efficiency and improved data quality. AbbVie scientists now have real-time access to all proprietary binding region data obtained from diverse experimental strategies, including phage-display, B-cell screening, and molecular modelling. AbbVie uses Genedata’s Molecular Workspace to engineer novel multi-specific formats in building block fashion and directly integrate with laboratory automation to enable rapid standardized cloning and expression workflows.

Learn how AbbVie uses Genedata Biologics to:

  • Store biotherapeutics data in one place
  • Ensure error-free handover between teams
  • Design and produce biomolecules in high-throughput
  • Automate lab operations
  • Collate critical data for patent applications
  • Link to external data systems


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